Strange loop

This morning, it occured to me that self reference is probably the only intellectually interesting theme for human thought. And not only in pure mathematics, in which over and over again I had come across incomplete theories pointing fingers at self reference; it seemed to me that thinking humans are passionate about using self reference as a tool of awe to create intricately beautiful art and philosophical pursuit. Movies that set up a hypothesis, and then drop the protagonist in the premise of that hypothesis. Books on time travel that loop the (relative) future into the present. Paintings that revolve focus from the borders into the center. Feelings of guilt and self-loathing. Memories (in the past) of hopes (on the future). The struggle to conciously exercise free will, slave to one's own freedom.
It seems to me that the human mind that uses reduction and analysis to dissect and devour problems feels lost the moment it digests the last morsel. Indigestion, on the contrary, is what induces partial satiation and triggers further appetite. Incompleteness ensures we always have work to do, and however lazy humans imagine they are, the true essense of human thought lies in the non-termination of explorative appetite, the seed of which is self reference.
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